Species | Gender | Homeworld | Weapon | Death |
Klatooinian | Male | Klatooine | Heavy blaster pistol,thermal detonator | Battle at the Great Pit of Carkoon |
Barada- One of the most loyal and hardworking creatures in Jabba's Palace was Barada, a Klatooinian. This loyalty would last until his death at the hands of the Rebel Alliances greatest heroes.
On Klatooine, parents demanded respect, and Barada was not a respectful son. Because of this, he was sold into indentured servitude. He worked at a garage, which was lost in a game of sabacc. The owner had played Jabba the Hutt and lost his garage and his business to the vile being. Now Barada, a brown leathery Klatooinian with a skull crest was owned by Jabba. This would have seemed fair, but the Hutt had rigged the game, though no one would accuse him of it.
Barada had been using the money he earned to buy his freedom, and was only 2,000 credits away when Jabba took over his contract. Jabba realized how talented the young Klatooinian was at working with mechanics, and devised away to keep the creature in his hands. Jabba charged Barada the same amount for room and board as he was paying him. Since Barada wasn't able to get any outside work, he could never pay off his contract.
Jabba put Barada in charge of his repulsorpool, taking care of the different vehicles that the Hutt and his workers used. Barada serviced the repulsor sleds that allowed Jabba personal mobility as well as the landspeeders and desert skiffs. The biggest vehicle that Barada serviced was the Ubikkian luxury sail barge.
Barada was largely a loner, but he got along well with Ephant Mon. The hulking beast confided in the mechanic and sought his advice. Since Ephant was Jabba's behind-the-scenes spy, watching for conspiracies or betrayals, Barada was one of the more well-informed denizens of Jabba's Palace.
When Jabba had captured Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, he decided to throw them to the Sarlacc. Barada and many others loaded the trio of prisoners onto a sand skiff.
Jabba, though, had underestimated the powers of the young Jedi Knight and his friends. The young man freed himself and his friends with his shining emerald lightsaber. Barada was the first one killed in the following fight, his body falling into the mouth of the Sarlacc. In death, Barada was finally free of Jabba the Hutt.
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