Species | Gender | Homeworld | Weapon | Job |
Twi'lek | Male | Ryloth | Hold-out Blaster | Currently at large in the galaxy |
Bib Fortuna- Ambitious and obsequious at the same time, Jabba the Hutt's majordomo, Bib Fortuna has a grating personality as his master's. With Fortuna to set an example, it is no surprise that the rest of the galaxy refers to the Twi'leks as "worm-heads."
Fortuna's species lived on the hard twilight world of Ryloth, where one side of the planet was always a hot, arid day, and the other side was always a cool, moist night. Most of the Twi'lek lived in the darker area, in complex cities, their families part of city clans. Like all his people, Fortuna had twin tentacular appendages coming from the back of his pointed head. These appendages, sometimes called "head-tails," were called lekku. They are used for cognitive functions and communication, as well as for sensual pleasures.
With no space travel capabilities of their own, the Twi'lek seemed to have little to offer the galaxy. Bib Fortuna, however, became on the foremost "clandestine exporters" of the addictive chemical ryll, used largely in the Corporate Sector. Ryll trade eventually caught the attention of the Empire, as well as that of smugglers and slavers. Angry at the death and slaving Bib Fortuna had brought to their people, a court of his peers ordered his death. He escaped, swearing revenge. Adaption was the way of life on Ryloth, and the Twi'lek soon began to allow ryll trade. Even some harvesting of Twi'lek slaves was permitted. Often the heads of clans would sell off their people to gain wealth or protection.
Even with a Twi'lek bounty on his head, Bib Fortuna got an offer from the Hutt crime-lord Jabba, on Tatooine. It seemed that the Hutt wanted to enter the glitterspice-smuggling trade, and he offer Bib a job as production and transport agent. Jabba's people would handle the distribution, but it was Fortuna's job to bring in the spice. Jabba was a demanding boss who tended to kill anyone who made a mistake. Very few of Jabba's upper levels of his hierarchy lived very long, but Fortuna was canny, and didn't fail or disappoint. But the Imperial Navy started to intercept the spice shipments, and Jabba began to get very angry. Fortuna knew that he stayed at that job much longer, he'd soon be dead. So he requested a more important position in Jabba's Crime Organization. Surprisingly, the Hutt agreed. He made the Twi'lek one of his lieutenants. Jabba used them help conduct his business, and to bow and fawn over him. Bib didn't mind the bowing, after all it was just a job.
Fortuna eventually did get his revenge on his homeworld, going to Ryloth with a host of attacking slaver ships. While inside one house, Bib found the last descendant from the great house of Twi'lek, Nat Secura, and took him prisoner. Fortuna knew that when he came back to conquer the world, Nat's lineage and support would help ease the transition. When the Twi'lek left, with Nat in tow, seven cities were in ruins, with their citizens taken as slaves.
Jabba was impressed with the Twi'lek's organizational and management skills, and Bib Fortuna was brought into the Inner Circle of Jabba's chosen few. He planned to take the position from the old Naroon Cuthus, but he had to bide his time. And he had competion, the grubby Corellian smuggler, Bidlo Kwerve. Jabba knew that one would eventually come out on top, and he would have his new majordomo.
Fortuna outsmarted Kwerve when the two of them presented Jabba with the gift of a monstrous giant know as a rancor, complete with trainer. While Bib was cautious, Kwerve's greed led him to a "greater reward" as one of the rancor's first snacks. From that moment on, Bib Fortuan was almost at Jabba's side, whispering him advice through dagger sharp teeth. He counseled the Hutt on almost every descision, but also knew when to back off, and the Hutt take over. And he always knew when to make himself both invaluable and worshipful.
On another trip back to Ryloth, Bib found Oola, the daughter of a clan head. The beautiful young Twi'lek was a wonderful, yet seductive dancer, her head tails caressing and accentuating her ceremonial moves. Foruna kidnapped her and brought to his smuggling complex. Later he brough her to Jabba's palace, and presented her as a gift to the Hutt. The Hutt was smitten with her, but she refused to dance fot the crime-lord. Bib berated her, and the Gammorrean gaurds beat her.
Fearful that this might lead to his downfall, Fortuna had to deal with surprises that began coming up. Two droids arrived at the palace, claiming to be gifts of faith from a man claiming to be a Jedi Knight. Then a bounty hunter named Boushh arrived to collect the bounty out for the Wookiee, named Chewbacca, Han Solo's friend and firstmate. Except Boushh wasn't a bounty hunter, he was really she, Princess Leia Organa. She had come to get Han Solo out of his carbonite encasement.
The last straw came when the Jedi Luke Skywalker showed up, using a Jedi mind trick to get Bib to allow him entrance to Jabba's Throne Room. In there, to the hoots of the crowd, Luke threatened Jabba with destruction if he didn't free Han Solo, and his companions. Jabba fed the Jedi to the rancor, only to watch in horror as Luke killed the prize beast.
Jabba was very angry, and scheduled the execution of the group in the Great Pit of Carkoon. But Jabba had underestimated the Rebels, who had manged to infiltrate the palace more than anyone realized. When Skywalker launched his escape attempt, Fortuna ran to his private skiff, hidden nearby. No one has seen or heard from Bib Fortuna again.
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