Species | Gender | Homeworld | Weapon | Death |
Kowakian monkey-lizard | Male | Unknown | None | On Jabba's sail barge |
Salacious Crumb- Salacious Crumb was a brown leathery skinned Kowakian Monkey lizard. The bizarre scrawny little creature seemed only slightly sentient, but his stupidity was partially an act. Although he mainly spoke in cackles, and laughs, Salacious was intelliengent enough to survive his tough job as Jabba's court gesture.
Crumb had met Jabba on the Kwenn space station. Oblivious to the Mantilorrian rat catchers pursuing a scampering, cackling little beast, Jabba didn't notice when the creature escaped into his ship. Crumb hid himself away in Jabba's own shipboard quarters, eating a greenish goo in the bottom of Jabba's feeding bowl.
When the Hutt did discover the intruder, he was surprised, and tried to snatch Crumb up and eat him -after all, Crumb was sitting in his food. The monkey-lizard was to quick darting to the ceiling struts, the bowl on his head, like a dripping green blast helmet.
BIb Fortuna and Bidlo Kwerve burst into the room, arging about something trivial, and Crumb dumped the bowl of slop on their heads, getting green goo all over them. An angry Bidlo tried to shoot the creature, but all that issued from his blaster was green ooze, which glopped onto Bib Fortuna.
Jabba laughed so hard that his body shook. He called Salacious Crumb down to him and offered him a job and a future. Crumb's duty was to make Jabba laugh. Everyday. Without fail.
When Luke Skywalker appeared before Jabba to petiton for the release fo his friends -Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca -Crumb cackled loudly. So did Jabba. The laughter stopped abruptly a short time later when Skwalker killed Jabba's other pet, the rancor.
Crumb accompanied his master as they traveled to the Great Pit of Carkoon. But everything went wrong, starting with Skywalker's escape, and ending with the death of Jabba the Hutt. Even the monkey-lizard wasn't safe as he bent down and started taking out the eye sensor of thedroid C-3PO, the astromech droid R2-D2 zapped Salacious Crumb with an electrical shock.
Salacious didn't have to worry though. As soon as the Rebels escaped, Jabba's sail barge blew up, killing everyone on board, including the small jester.
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