Species | Gender | Homeworld | Weapon | Death |
Hutt | Male | Nal Hutta | Assassins,bounty hunters | Choked by Leia Organa |
Jabba the Hutt- No one expected that Jabba the Hutt would
die in the height of his crime rule.
did anyone one expect that he would be killed aboard his own sail barge.
Or did anyone expect that he would be murdered by Princess Leia Organa.
Yes, it's true. Jabba would still have lived, had he not under
estimated a slick Corellian pilot, a lithe princess, and the last Jedi.
Born Jabba Desilijic Tiure, he was a member of a slug like race known as the Hutts. Hutts evolved on the planet of Vari, in the Ardos system. Hutts are a mix of several creatures. They can open their jaws incredibly wide to consume large food. Their eyes protrude like a reptiles, with membranes that keep them wet and safe, like amphibians, their slit like nostrils seal tightly when under water. And like land dwelling vertebrates, lungs, not gills, bring oxygen to their blood. Yet Hutts are not vertebrates. Their sluglike bodies do not have skeletons, but have an interior mantle that shapes their head. A radula, deep in its throat, shreds food on its way down to the enormous stomach. Hutt skin is not harmed by most weapons, and can withstand all but the most harsh chemical corrosion. It constantly secretes mucus and oily sweat, making the Hutt hard to hold. Finally, underneath the skin, their many layers of blubber and muscle protecting internal organs.
Hutts have two short and stubby arms, which really serve no real purpose. The creatures can maneuver on their own, much like a regular worm, but usually transport themselves by repulsor lift vehicles or hoversleds. Hutts are some of the longest living species in the world. they can survive to be at least one thousand standard years. The great Bogga the Hutt was a crimelord who had his henchmen murder the Jedi Knight Andur Sunrider. His wife Nomi Sunrider and their daughter, Vima, both became great Jedi Knights before the Hutt died. For thousands of years, the Hutts lived on the planet Varl, but were forced to move, by the increasing number of visitors. They relocated to the system of Y'Toub, where they chose the planet of Evocar to live. They became neighbors to the native species, the Evocaii, and traded technology for land. Soon the Hutts owned most of the planet, and forced the natives to Nar Shadda and one of the moons in the system. The Hutts renamed the the planet Nal Hutta, "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. They believed themselves to be the superior species, and used their intelligence to build huge criminal empires. Many clans wiped each other out, but that was the Hutt way. And if anyone other than a Hutt killed a Hutt, there was going to be trouble. Lots of it.
Jabba himself was born to Zorba the Hutt, who was one of the top clan leaders, taught his son all about the delicate, dangerous art of crime. From dealing with smugglers to double-crossing friends, from controlling slaves and eliminating enemies to manipulating the law, Zorba knew and taught all.
the time he was six hundred years old, and carrying one thousand kilograms
of weight on him, Jabba was in charge of his own huge criminal empire. He
went to Tatooine, and set himself up on the Outer Rim planet. He
had a blockhouse at the Mos Eisley Spaceport, and converted in into Jabba's
Town House. Although much smaller than the Mos Eisley Inn next door,
the Town House was on of the most guarded places in the city. It was
a safe hold where Jabba could secure negotiations, meet with dignitaries,
Imperial leaders, or important criminals.
Yet with all its interior and exterior defenses, Jabba usually not found
in his town house. Rather, he was to be found in his Palace,
made of sandrock and ditanium, located near the southwestern border of the
Western Dune Sea. The palace had nine stories above ground, and extended
underground as well. Lower levels were mazes and dungeons, while upper
levels were the living quarters, gaming and conference rooms, and dining
halls. Designed by Derren Flet, the palace was built around B'ommar
monks monastery. The monks usually wandered around in the lower
mazes. Most were just brains, residing in nutrient jars, and transporting
themselves in spider-like metallic devices. They usually gave everyone
a scare, at one point or another. The centerpiece of the palace was
Jabba's throne room, located at the base of main tower. The huge room
had a dias at one end for Jabba to lay on. The audience chamber had
many entrances and exits. There was a performance area for bands.
Jabba had many slave girl dancers, from the fat Yarna d'al'
Gargan, who reminded Jabba of his mom, to the Melina Carniss.
Like a queen bee in her hive, Jabba was really helpless, and catered to and cared for, but exerted an huge amount of power. His court was filled with all kinds of slime, from aliens to humanoids, assassins to bounty hunters, dancer to slaver, droid to sycophant.
Jabba's criminal empire included everything illegal. Everything the Empire could outlaw. And some it hadn't yet thought to. Throughout the Outer Rim Territories, Jabba was the top slug - literally- when it came to smuggling, glitterspice dealing, slave trading, assassination, loan sharking, protection, piracy, and ship thievery. Every smuggler, pirate, and thief in the territories took jobs from him, and those who didn't? They were never heard from again. Jabba had several helpers over the years, each helping with a different part of the criminal empire. The oldest majordomo was Naroon Cuthus. He had been with Jabba for a very long time, but knew too much. Jabba would probably repay Cuthus with a quick death. The two competitors for the next majordomo were a Corellian smuggler named Bidlo Kwerve and a Twi'lek named Bib Fortuna. Jabba often enjoyed pitting the two against each other.
Yet in every being who seemed loyal to Jabba, only was truly loyal, and that
was Ephant Mon. Everyone else wanted to get out, such as slaves, and
servants, and others were spies, some for Jabba's main competitor, Lady
Valarian, but most were on their own, with plans to kill Jabba, and then
take over for him. Ephant's job was to
out the conspiracies. Jabba always let them carry out their petty plans
to a point, before killing them. One man who seemed at least very loyal
to Jabba was the fat and ugly Heater. He posed as Jabba during public
functions. This gave Jabba a public face, and a surprising trump card,
when his identity was revealed. Heater also acted as prey for the
dumbest/stupidest assassins and bounty hunters. While the man himself
though he was important to Jabba's crime ring, the Hutt found him expendable.
The only other permanent member of Jabba's court was Salacious
Crumb, whose job was to make Jabba at least once a day without fail.
And he always did. That either shows how funny the Kowakian
monkey-lizard was, or Jabba's poor taste in humor.
Jabba got the majority of his glitterspice from Kessel, where mines below
the Imperial Correction Facility contained the powerful drug. Jabba
had a number of associates in places in high importance at the mines, and
the jail, including the Rybet named Moruth Doole, who was
Jabba's main source of the spice. Doole was fair, as
far as glitterspice dealers go, and his knack for picking competent smugglers
made business much easier. One such smuggler was Han Solo, who
piloted the spice in a freighter known as the Millennium Falcon, with
his first mate, the Wookie co-pilot, Chewbacca. Doole had no
problem with double-crossing his smugglers, if the price was right. It
was on one such occasion, when Han Solo was transporting prepaid spice to
Jabba. Doole gave Imperials Solo's coordinates, so when he came out
of hyperspace, Han found the law there, waiting. Brilliant and quick
thinking, Solo jettisoned the spice intending to pick it up later. But
the nasty deed was done. Doole had been paid twice - by Jabba and the
Soon Jabba told his people to bring in Solo, but had no idea that the brash
Corellian would seek him out. The Hutt assigned th newest bounty hunter,
the Rodian Greedo, to the job, but Solo friend in the Mos Eisley
Cantina. Jabba had gone to the Falcon looking for the smuggler,
but was startled when the man came from behind. Jabba recovered quickly.
Han told the Hutt that he just made a charter deal, and would pay
him back, plus an extra 15 percent. Jabba warned, "If
you disappoint me again, I'll put a price on your head so large you won't
be able to go near a civilized system for the rest of your short life."
But Solo's charter took him farther than the expected Alderaan. But
when Solo did get his reward, and made it back to Tatooine, a band of pirates,
lead by Crimson Jack looted the Falcon, and left him penniless.
Knowing that he couldn't pay Jabba back, Solo didn't even bother to
contact the crime lord. He eventually went back to the Rebel
Alliance. Jabba put a price on Solo's head, but had other fish
to fry. Doole had been spice skimming, and there was a suspected
double-cross going on. The Rybet was saved by his scarecrowlike assistant,
who killed a bounty hunter out to get his master. Jabba let the man
Jabba had a new pet to take his mind of smugglers and skimmers. Bidlo Kwerve and Bib Fortuna gave Jabba a rancor, complete with trainer. It was placed in a pit below the main audience chamber, where people could view the monster, but, more importantly, where Jabba could press a button on his dias, and trap door was let open. The people on the dorr when it fell through, where eaten alive. Soon Kwerve died, and Fortuna became the only majordomo in the place, even though he too was scheming against the crimelord.
Three years after Solo first worked for Jabba with the glitter spice, he received a message from a bounty hunter in the Hoth system. The pirate implied he could get Solo, but Jabba knew the man already had him, along with Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker. The mad Jabba sent Boba Fett to get Solo and his friends. But Fett wasn't immediately successful. Jabba grew angry and meant to end the matter, but Darth Vader did it first. Boba Fett, and others responded to his call for bounty hunters, and Fett eventually got Solo back to Jabba.
Almost a year after Han had been delivered to the palace, Luke Skywalker put an intricate plan to rescue Solo, into action. The first to infiltrate the palace were Lando Calrissian, who took a job as a skiff guard named Tamtel Skreej. He sent plans, layouts, etc to the others, and sabotajed many droids. Then Luke sent See-Threepio (C-3PO) and Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2), to the palace, to deliver a message asking for an audience with the crimelord, to bargain for the life of Solo. Luke also gave the droids to him as a gift. Meanwhile, Bib Fortuna had given Jabba the gift of a beautiful Twi'lek named Oola. She refused to dance for the repulsive Jabba at first, but she finally did. As she ended her dance, Jabba pulled her closer, to "thank" her, but she stayed back, Jabba had enough. She was fed to the rancor.
Even as this was going on, a blaster shot rattled through the palace. A bounty hunter named Boushh had captured Chewbacca and was there to collect the reward. Jabba offered the sum of $25,000 credits, but the hunter wanted $50,000, and would not take less. Jabba wanted to know why, and soon figured it out. Boushh was holding a thermal detonator, armed and ready. Jabba thought about this for a few seconds, then laughed. He agreed to pay the hunter $35,000, which he accepted. Late that night, Boushh secretly unfroze Han, and revealed her true idenity, the Princess Leia Organa! When Solo asked who his savior was, she replied, "Some one who loves you." and kissed him. But they were discovered. Han was thrown into the jails, and Leia was dressed in the skimpy clothing of a slave girl, and was chained to the dias with Jabba.
The next day a Jedi, the last, Luke Skywalker, got into the palace, and tried to bargain for Solo. Jabba became upset and threw him to the rancor, but Luke prevailed, and killed the beast. Jabba became further angered, and sentenced everyone except Leia to death by Sarlacc. Once at the Pit of Carkoon, Luke gave one lat chance to Jabba. "Free us or die." Jabba died, murdered by Leia, who choked him with the very chain that held her captive.
Chaos reigned, and many people including Lady Valarian went after pieces of his empire. Meanwhile, the death had caused a Hutt Clan war, with two Hutt leaders Kumac and Jelasi getting much of the winnings. Soon Jabba's dad was released from prison, and was desvastted that his heir was dead. He put out a bounty on Han and Leia, and won Cloud City from Lando Calrissian. He was fed to the Sarlacc, but was thrown up, apparently Hutts are indigestible because of their think hides. The bounty out on Han and Leia would haunt them even after six years after Jabba died. Only time will tell if Jabba's legacy will touch an again.
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