The Manager

Quick Reference on The Manager










Manager of the Spaceport

The Manager-  The Manager is about 15 standard years old, though her exact date of birth is known to no one but herself, her family, and friends.  By the time she was 13 years old, the Manager was the webmaster of her own website, by the time she was fourteen, the site had evolved from an 8-hit per year page to 50 page award winning website, with over 300 hits in four months.

The Manager, who is known to her family and friends simply as "Allison," was first exposed to Star Wars at an early age, though no one is sure of the actual date.  While watching "Sesame Street," R2-D2 and C-3PO did a cameo, probably for Return of the Jedi.

The Manager would not be exposed for another five to seven years.  But, while looking with her mother for a movie to watch on Saturday afternoon, her mom asked her father, "... Can she see Star Wars yet?"  Unfortunately, the Manager's father felt that Star Wars had too much violence in it for a young child.

It would once again be several years before the Manager had any connections to Star Wars.  But one fateful day, while at her best friends house, the Manager saw the movie Space Balls.  This was the beginning of the madness.  That summer, while down at the shore, she rented Star Wars for the first time, reasoning that she wanted to see what Space Balls was making fun of.

From the moment the words, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . . ," the Manager was captivated.  She never forgot the scene with Luke Skywalker looking at the double moons of the planet she thought was called, "Tanntooen."  That Christmas, the Manager received her first copy of the Star Wars Trilogy.  That day, she watched all three, remembering once again, what the scene with Luke meant to her:  hope, regret, want, and many more feelings that could not easily fit in this page.

The Manager continued to learn about Star Wars, even trying to educate one, in the ways of Star Wars, though at the time she failed.  During the two years before the Special Edition came out, the Manager learned, slowly but steadily.  She also learned about the internet -- how it worked, why it worked, what made it work.

But, on the night that Star Wars: Special Edition came out, the Manager came to realize exactly what Star Wars would mean to her.  Her life, her hope for survival.  And so, after learning a few tricks with HTML, and downloading a graphic program, she started to design her own web site.

From the Space Station to Chartered Space to The Space Port in Chartered Space came the Spaceport, and award winning site about Star Wars and only Star Wars.  In the beginning there were 10 pages, there are now 50+.

The Manager felt that since she put so much time into maintaining the Spaceport, you should know about the person behind the computer.  So, the Spaceport's resident Jedi Knight, Rovert Jai, had a long talk with Manager.  Here are the highlights

Rovert Jai:  Well Manager, we finally got a hold of you.  Where exactly?

The Manager:  Greetings from hyperspace!  I am currently en route to Hoth from Tatooine.

RJ:  That must a short ride, eh?

TM:  Haha Rovert.  Longest hyperspace trip I've ever logged . . . and I'm only half way there.

RJ:  Aahhh.  Well.  So Manager, which movie is your favorite of the Star Wars trilogy?

TM:  Well Rovert, that used to be a simple call.  Before the Special Editions came out, there was no movie better than The Empire Strikes Back.  Luke trains to be a Jedi, and finally gets some pay back for all that whining he does!!!  Because we see how bad old Darth can really be.  But mostly because Han and Leia get together.  Because it's romantic, STAR WARS style.  But once the Special Editions came out, I started to like the film that I liked the least : Return of the Jedi.  I never realized it before, but it has a good story line, enough romance, good fight scenes, etc..  But the reason that I like it is because of the new endings.

So I guess I like EMPIRE the best still, but ROTJ:SE is a close second.  I don't know.  I think they messed up EMPIRE in the SE.  Like you can tell it was edited.  Or something.

RJ: I completely understand.  So Manager.  Are you a loyal Imperial or a bounty hunter?

TM:  Neither.  I am a dedicated and loyal Rebel and New Republican.

RJ:  Good, so am I.  May I ask why?

TM:  Hmmm.  I don't know.  I just don't hold with the Imperial POV on the galaxy, and hate to think that I would be hunting people to get food.

RJ:  Kewl.  (Using the Force) So who do you like Manager?

TM:  Well let's see . . .  HEY!!!  Wait a minute Rovert!  I know what you're trying to do!

RJ:  It was a perfectly legitimate question.  I was using the Force for knowledge, and the defense who ever it is.  OK.  Who is your favorite character in SWT?

TM:  That would defiantly be Princess Leia.  No one is more beautiful, more strong willed than her.  Have you ever realized that she hardly ever misses a shot?  Or that she is always the one who is supposed to be rescued, but then ends up rescuing Han and Luke?  Go figure.  Plus she got to kiss Han Solo . . . teehee.  J/K.

RJ:  I see.  You're a sick minded freak, you know that?  Anyway.  When did you decide to build the Spaceport?

TM:  It was in May 1997.  I had just figured out HTML, got a good graphic collection of SW pics, and a few great books having to do with Star Wars.  And I just started to make it.  But this place has join through billions of changes since it first started.  The layout was all different.  There were next to no graphics.  So believe me.  All the changes were for the better

RJ:  What are the new modifications to the Spaceport?

TM:  Geez . . . there are so many.  Let's see.  As for new sections, there is the Academy, the News Net . . .

RJ:  Hehe . . . I run that one.

TM:  . . . Mount Tantiss, Yavin IV, the Holonet, the Comm Center, and the Space Lanes.  Space Lanes are really cool I think.  There's like ten different sections.  I'm really proud of the Millenium Falcon Awards too.  They were designed by Ryan Barton.  We are kinda hopin' to do a SW project together.

RJ:  Well, Manager, I'm sorry, but I have to cut this transmission short .  I have to go do some lightsaber  training.  I'll talk to you later.

TM:  Ok, I'll see you later . . . if this darned hyperspace trip would ever stop.  May the Force be with you, Rovert.

RJ:  You too, Manager.  I'll see you at the rendezvous point.

There you have it.  The Manager in her own words.

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